Clubs & Organizations
OASDI Executive Board
President: Eric Metsch
Vice President: Bob Knudson
Secretary: Marc Denniston
Treasurer: Muoi Nguy
Resources: Photo Album, Facebook Page
Do-si-dos (Mainstream):
President: Curtis and Diane Leigh
Vice president: Glenda Templeton
Secretary: Randy Allen
Treasurer: Bobbye Simons
Resources: Facebook Page
Double A's (Advanced):
President: Patty Dandurand
Vice President: Tom Brignole
Treasurer: Judy Cullen
Secretary: Kathy Rooney
Flutterwheels (Mainstream)
President: Dan Bode, Debby Ferrel
Vice President: Marc Denniston
Secretary: Jutta Wabinga
Treasurer: Ellen Matheny
Resources: Flutterwheels Dance Plan, All A Flutter Newsletter, Membership List, Member Handbook, Facebook Page
Roundabouts (Round Dancing)
President: Bob Knudson
Vice President: Marc Denniston
Secretary: Karen Knudson
Treasurer: Bob Knudson
Resources: Facebook Page
Square One (Plus)
Presidents: Ken and Cathy Moller
Vice President: Jutta Wabinga
Secretary: Patty Dandurand
Treasurer: Rebekah Mason
Resources: Facebook Page